
4 Phases Of A Background Screening Implementation

By mastering the implementation phases and best practices for background checks, hiring managers gain the tools to build a solid candidate screening foundation. Hiring someone with a hidden criminal past may result in higher turnover, damage to the organization’s reputation, or liability for theft or other negative misdeeds or behaviors. It is vital that hiring teams and their companies invest in background check training, no matter what the industry.

Here are the four phases of a background screening implementation and what each phase entails.

Phase 1: Preparation, Coordination and Consulting

In any new background screening program, it is important to set aside time and resources for a thorough project planning, coordination and consulting phase.

Here, the business’s background check team, along with a trusted employment background verification firm, coordinates to develop a workable screening system. This system should be organic to the company and adhere to standard best practices for background checks.

Following are key objectives of this first and critical phase:

  • Outline objectives. The employee screening implementation team determines the general information needed for different types of positions in the company and ensures the review of all regulatory compliance requirements.
  • Determine when it is appropriate to request a background check. Some positions may call for employees to work with on-site cash, interact with the public, or operate a company vehicle. Each type of job may require a specialized screening process.
  • Learn the proper timing for requesting an employee verification screening. Once a conditional offer of employment has been accepted by a candidate, an employer may order a background check, or at the time of presentation of signed disclosure and consent/authorization forms.
  • Establish roles. The company’s team works with the background screening firm associates to establish a clear map of all assigned roles and responsibilities in the organization.
  • Assess. Taking a step back, the team looks at the background screening system in action from the perspective of the administrator and users.
  • Resolve roadblocks found in review. Identify any obstacles discovered in the review step.
  • Organize. Create a comprehensive plan that includes a timeline, milestones, process owners, goals and desired outcomes for each screening and for the overall screening system.

Phase 2: Background Check Training

Whether an organization performs a consulting background check, or an array of other types of screenings, hiring managers and their staff need proper training to ensure adherence to the standards set in phase one.

During this phase, it is important that the hiring team understands all the regulatory requirements, such as:

  • Fair Credit Reporting Act
  • Background check best practices
  • Vital organizational needs
  • Proper timing for ordering background checks

This phase serves to protect the candidate’s privacy, the organization’s employees, and the company’s reputation in its respective industry and with its clients. Well-trained and confident screening staff members act as the gatekeepers of protection for a large swath of people and interests.

Phase 3: Performance and Review of Consulting Background Check and Other Screenings in Testing Mode

Performing employee verification screenings in testing mode is a crucial phase for the employee screening implementation team. Here, along with the assistance of a firm such as Global Verification Network, screening teams have the opportunity to test their research investigation skills.

It is also essential for the screening team to consult and follow the plans laid out in the previous phases while communicating with internal team members and the engaged employee verification firm. As long as everyone follows procedures, each background screening should run smoothly.

In the review phase, it is best to refer to the designated best practices for background checks to guarantee compliance at every level.

Phase 4: Prepare for Full Implementation and Launch of a Background Screening Program

Once the hiring team is confident about all the background screening implementation steps, it is time to go live. The internal screening team and verification consulting firm should determine the timing for performing the first employee verification before proceeding. Together, everyone can further streamline the process as the program progresses.

Do You Need Assistance With Background Check Best Practices?

Global Verification Network understands that the idea of performing background checks may be new to some organizations and hiring teams. We would love to help you develop and implement a program for screenings that include driving record checks, criminal record investigations, license verifications and much more.

Contact us today so we can help implement your background screening program right away!4 Phases Of A Background Screening Implementation